Monday, January 30, 2012

Nueva Condomina

Today I went to the mall with Kayla!
Unfortunately, not much exciting to blog about. Uh, life in Spain becoming normal?

We took the tranvía to Nueva Condomina (el centro comercial) and I bought a bono-10 pass (15 rides for 10 euros, as opposed to 1,35 per way). It's a good fit for me because I'm sure I will use 15 trips, remembering that each trip is two rides. It lasts a whole year and is rechargeable.
The tranvía not only takes you to Campus Espinardo (I don't have classes there, but there is a gym and stuff), but it also takes you to IKEA and two malls (where there are cinemas and bowling) and to the Carrefour (like Walmart) along the way.

I was impressed! The mall seemed pretty big, although we didn't have much time to explore. Every Spanish store that I knew of was there, plus there were plenty of outside establishments (like IKEA) nearby. I definitely want to go back and explore!

I can't wait to eat here...I know...but the food is so different at the McDonald's in Europe!
I made a few purchases (maybe too many!): a shirt, a skirt, a pair of skinny jeans (that's all that anyone wears here), and two pairs of shoes. No worries, almost everything was on sale!

I finally feel like I might be ready to take on my first day of classes tomorrow, now that I can be somewhat dressed to impress. I also think that my two tourism classes don't start until February 6th, meaning that I will only have two classes this week! My classes don't start until 4pm tomorrow (I know that kinda sucks), but at least I will be able to chill and/or be productive beforehand.

Somehow the mall decorations really made me want to shop
It's nice to know that I will be hanging out with my friends tomorrow night after we all get done with classes (which, for me is 9pm). It's Josh's birthday and we are going to go out and barhop. Since I don't have to wake up early the next day, it will be a great way to wind down (and probably vent) after our first day of classes. 

Also, shout-out to Ricky--Happy 21st birthday, tomorrow :)

For dinner I had "pan pita con pollo" for only 3 euros...omg!

Where we ate our,tasty and right next to campus!

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