Sunday, April 1, 2012


Today was a super-chill day because my one class today was optional ('come if you want to work on the practicas; otherwise, work on them at home'). AKA, I think I'll work on it from home.

My idea of an artsy photo--flowers for my Mom
Midafternoon, Kayla and I met up to get a few errands done together. She stood in line with me at Santander while I waited to take money out. The security guards had old-school guns with wooden handles, accompanied by belts of bullets; how...Spanish?

We went inside the computer lab in Merced so that we could print some homework to bring on our Spring Break travels. I ran out of money, so I had to spend some time figuring out how to add more...I did figure out how to rent the bikes though; free for two hours at a time!

We then headed to the indoor market of Saavedra Fajardo, super close to campus. Neither of us had been inside before, so we enjoyed the atmosphere. It was like a little mall but, for food! The first level contains meat, the second has seafood and the top has fruit and veggies (a common organizational pattern of Spanish markets). I bought carrots, broccoli, an artichoke, bananas, and some pretty flowers for my beautiful momma.

We ventured to a post office that I had never been to before, but is much closer than the giant DMV-esque one. I asked to see the stamps that I could use to send letters to the US. Interestingly, the stamps were not adhesive; they were the lickable stamps that have definitely been out for a while (so I thought).

Kayla and I split up for a few hours so that she could clean up for her parents and I could chill before we met up again. We met right near her apartment for cappuccinos at La Cabana del 10.

We had a nice, relaxing drink, before visiting the MUBAM, Museo de Bellas Artes de Murcia. It's right across from our apartments and we had never been there! It was great to finally check that off of my Murcia bucket list!
This is how I pay for things.
Although taking photos wasn't exactly permitted, we snuck a few for memory's sake. Kayla (an art major) and I had some interesting discussions inside the museum:
  • She taught me that the women's arms were so muscular in some of the older works because female models were not yet used! I always just thought that muscular arms were attractive in those times
  • I thought it was neat that the women's faces were more bloated looking during certain time periods. I wonder if that was because it was more attractive for women to look that way, as opposed to more rigid, thinner looking features nowadays. 
  •  Some of the paintings were very dark; I imagined what the scene would have really looked like. Did it really look that melancholy to the painter?
  • The lighting was kinda crappy on some of the paintings. The glare made me walk a few feet away to see the tops of them.
  • I liked how most of the paintings were made by Spanish artists; it was like getting a peak into Spanish culture from various regions and periods in time. 
The black thing on his back is actually an LED marquee!

Building across from da MUBAM

This one struck me as very Spanish

1500s, I think it was from Murcia

Under the canopy is where we had coffee

The seafoam green sky was so vibrant..very pretty.


  1. MUBAM! I really like your photos, especially the flowers for "momma" and the seafoam green painting. That was a really fun day with you! I laughed when I saw the piles of 5 cent pieces in a row. I'm sure the camarero liked us a lot. :) We will have to go exploring to another museo soon!
