Friday, May 4, 2012

Anyone up for some impromptu dancing?

Happy 50th post!
Casually walking back from class today, I ran into a dance recital outside the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico y Danza right across from the Cathedral. It was another beautiful, perfect-temperature day, so the dancers were able to wear shorts and summery-dresses in comfort.

I watched for about an hour, until it ended at siesta-time. It was so interesting to watch the different performances. The first few were like interpretive dance...a little bizarre!

Between two dancers

Some bailarinas watching a performance
They creepily started chasing her--so dramatic!
Piernas en el aire!
Then they started making strange noises..

This video: interpretive?

 Sorry for the photo overload! I took so many pictures and had trouble deciding which ones to share.

They handed out flowers to the crowd!
Someone lost her wig!

Not a good time to go "commando."

I thought I was gonna get stepped on!

These dresses were just beautiful! I loved watching them spin.
In perfect Spanish custom, the recital ended promptly at siesta time. Everyone just started saying 'it's over!' and getting up. The scene was cleared in like, three minutes!
That made the whole event feel really special for me, like, if I hadn't gotten out of class so early I might have just missed the whole thing! It really was such a treat.


  1. This is great!

    Have you decided whether to go 'backpacking' or not? I think you should seize the opportunity, assuming your mom agrees. ;)

    I will miss it when you are not there (and blogging) anymore.

    1. I think I might do it if I have enough money left over (and am not toooo ready to come home) hehe. I will probably still try to blog about my miniventures in the USA too!

  2. I had no idea this happened! How awesome. :) The photos you took are really cool. I especially like the first orange-wigged girl and the one that shoes the white dresses spinning. Very cool!
