Thursday, March 8, 2012

Le 'Ol Renaissaince Faire

 As we had stayed out pretty late on Saturday night, Ricky and I decided to sleep in and just chill for most of Sunday. After all, nothing would be open so we wouldn't have to feel bad about missing something. In the late afternoon, we decided to go out and walk around anyway. Since it was so nice out, I decided to take him across the river and around some of the prettiest parts of Murcia (in my opinion). After we crossed, we saw some medieval-looking flags hanging down in the park: A Renaissance Faire!

The walkways throughout the park were filled with vendors selling hand-made wares: dolls and toys, art, baked goods, leather jewelry, lanterns and candles, nuts and candies, random trickets--even fancy cheese! Ricky bought a present for his sister Cristina, after spending lots of effort scouring the wares. I bought Dad a present and some Gouda cheese for myself. YUM!

Ricky buying a present for his sister :)
Roasting almonds right in front of us!
They are often paired with cheese for a tapa.
I tried fried almonds with the Gouda I bought here: SO GOOD!

We spent a long time at the faire; we had no idea it was going to be there/open! During our several hours, we watched at least two puppet shows, a few bag-piping and drumming parades/shows, and a blacksmith making a chain. We enjoyed watching the excited little kids run around and play the games and rides. On our way out, I happened upon an owl exhibit--I was so excited to see owls in person!

Very cool hand-made incense
The faire was one of my favorite experiences in Spain.
After all, how many people can say they have been to
a Spanish Renaissance Faire?

Before we left, Ricky ordered a Chorizo sandwich--very tasty! After the puppet show, I ordered a chorizo sandwich and Ricky got a jamon y queso; the "Renaissance bread" was so fresh and tasty!
The carousel was powered by this man peddling. He pushes the little girl as she goes by.

This little girl kept walking into the puppet show!
All of the signs read "hecho a mano."
Ricky bought four of these Palitos de Sobrasada

We happened upon the famed Casino
 After we were pooped-enough from the Renaissance Faire, we meandered through the nighttime streets of Murcia. We popped in the Cathedral, before stumbling upon the famed Casino. The inside was beautiful, Moorish-styled, and definitely evoked memories of the Alhambra. It looks like tours are 5 euros, or 4 if you have a student ID (which I STILL don't have yet). I would definitely like to get a tour at some point before I leave here. I don't think it is still a running casino, but there are two "Members Only" lounges on either side of the entrance. They're elegant rooms, full of comfy-looking furniture and older folks reading and chatting.
For photos inside the Casino:,522,m,168&r=CeAP-4040-R_101_DETALLE_REPORTAJES 

Our last stop was Smooy, an always-happening frozen yogurt joint. I got chocolate with cookie crumble toppings and Ricky got an orange-kiwi smoothie (the healthier choice). It was so delicious and filling... I have to go back!

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